Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day twenty-seven

I bought a new bottle of shampoo at Target Sunday and started losing my hair on Monday.

No matter how much I prepared myself for it, losing my hair has still been somewhat traumatic. It's just another reminder that my body is not well.

I've been getting ready for this day since my pre-teens. My father started losing his hair in his late twenties and never let me forget that the same fate would follow me. Luckily, I've kept most of my hair except for the ones on the crown of my head. But no matter how much my father warned me nothing prepared me for Monday. I lost so much hair Monday morning it took an hour for the water to drain from the tub. And I couldn't get it off me --- I had my own, bleached hair all over my face and in my mouth, it was like I was my own dog. And it just got worse yesterday and today. This morning I woke up on another pillow and drain full of blond hair. Without even thinking I shampooed my hair.

Several friends are on their way over to shave my head. I want a mowak even if it lasts only for a few minutes. Of course, in exchange for shaving my head I'm letting them use my last remaining hairs to create some long unfulfilled artistic creation even if it's only to shave their name onto my scalp.


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