Thursday, May 04, 2006

Cancer part 2

Okay, so while it's not, at this point, confirmed it looks like I've been seriously misdiagnosed. Einhorn called Tuesday evening to say his pathologist noticed something "off" about my tumor samples and decided to run extra tests. Well, come to find out I don't have testicular cancer I have lymphoma! So, for the past couple of days I've just sat around numb. I had actually been looking forward to finishing this last round of chemo and getting on with my life and now it looks like I may have six more rounds of chemo do to. Of course, this could all turn out to be some great big joke too if Einhorn's tests aren't confirmed but I have a feeling that they will be. God must be laughing.

I discovered in USA Today earlier this week. This guy Ian has a brain tumor, takes pills for his chemotherapy, gets a cough as his only side-effect and is LIVING with cancer. Why is it I can only wade through it?! Why does it seem like the most curable forms of this shit are the hardest to go through? Cancer, thank you very much, SUCKS.


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