Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Third Half

Yes, the saga continues ...

Since getting the news of my misdiagnosis I have had: 189 pills, fifteen doctors appointments, twelve blood samples taken, eleven shots (though it seems like more!), eleven pounds gained, seven days of fevers, six days in Phoenix to visit my friends John and Randy and to see Madonna (thank you!!), five scans (two PET, one CT, 1 MUGA & 1 X-ray), five rounds of chemo (or, 26 hours worth), four hours in Omaha, NE for a second opinion (and two days in Kansas City), one blood transfusion, one endoscopy (to look at my esophagus), one broncospy (for a lung biopsy), one close call with aspergillus (a fungal infection), one blood mix up (my blood was credited to another patient), one bone marrow biopsy (which you NEVER want) ... And a partridge in a pear tree.

I had my fifth round of chemo yesterday so I'll spend most of this week on the sofa watching HGTV and Project Runway (Allison got robbed!!!!) and feeling slightly crummy. Other than that I'm doing well (besides being sick of being sick) --- the only on-going side effect is fatigue. I've been working some --- photographed the SMU Class of 2010 (there's nothing that
makes me feel older than being called "sir"), did a fashion test for an aspiring model, did some business portraits and photographed my first bride!! It's been nice having the distractions.

I'll have my sixth cycle of CHOP+R (chemo) on September 13th (For those in the know, the date has changed and take more pills, get more shots and have more blood drawn). Around the beginning of October I'll head to Omaha, NE for about six weeks for an autologous stem cell transplant (they harvest my stem cells as opposed to getting them from someone else) at the University of Nebraska hospital then spend the rest of the year in San Antonio at my parents.


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