Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I'm beeping - my chemo is going off. I've called the nurse but she's taking her dear, sweet time. There's been some miscommunication in the hospital room this morning ---- mix ups with medicine especially. It's scary --- I really have to be on top of them right now (and my mind isn't exactly up for all that!!!).

Today is my first full day in the hopital this week. It's boring. I asked my Mom to pick up some coloring books and crayons ---- when is the last time you colored? I'm actually sort of excited about it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I was given a coloring book and crayons this summer! It was my attempt at finding my 'creative' side. Tres, you know my 'creative' side doesn't exist, so...

I'm glad to hear what's going on with you, and I'm thinking about you often. Personally, I think the Freak shirt is working. ;)


8:58 PM  
Blogger Ron said...

Be contrary. Don't stay within the lines!

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love coloring books. I buy one about once a year. Get a 64 pack!

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like one of those "big ideas." Soon you can write a bestseller called "coloring book therapy," and make lots money off it. It can be mostly pictures and photos. Soon you'll be on The View telling anecdotes and sharing air-kisses with the ladies.

It's great to read your latest entries.
Lots o' love,

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my boyfriend. I'm sorry I have been a bad blog-commenter up to this point, but I did want you to know that I have been reading your posts and thinking of you often.

We miss you around here. I really want to do some 80s dancing to crappy double-synthesizer cheesefest music, but I really can't manage it without you!

Send me some crayola drawings and know I'm sending kisses your way as well as those cancer ass-kicking vibes clarice mentioned a few posts back.


11:35 AM  

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